Thursday, March 19, 2015

Market 19 Mar 2015

Mdex 19 Mar 2015 13.50
Apr 2201+6 ($598.4)
May 2205 +4 ($599.5)
Jun 2198 +4 ($597.6)
Jul 2189 +8 ($595.1)

Idr 12.990/13.000
Myr 3.6780/3.6790

PL = $627.5 +7.5
PO =$625 +7.5
PS =$620 
PFAD =$600 

Tender astra dumai 8635 dumai 

Ccno 12.800
Cpko 12.280

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Market 18 Mar 2015

Mdex Open 18 Mar 2015 09.32
Apr 2145 -4 ($580.8)
May 2151 +3 ($582.4)
Jun 2141 +2 ($579.7)
Jul 2128 +3 ($576.2)

Idr 13.165/13.175
Myr 3.6930/3.6940

PL = $625 
PO =$622.5 
PS =$620 
PFAD =$600 

Tender astra dumai 8675 wd
Kumai 8592 rii

Monday, March 16, 2015

Market 16 Mar 2015

Mdex Open 16 Mar 2015 11.02
Apr 2188 -59 ($590.4)
May 2186 -62 ($589.8)
Jun 2177 -59 ($587.4)
Jul 2158 -51 ($582.3)

Idr 13.240/13.250
Myr 3.7060/3.7070

PL = $635 +2.5 (Rp 8407) per 13 mar 
PO =$632.5 +2.5 (Rp 8374)
PS =$630 -2.5 (Rp 8341)
PFAD =$605 -5 (Rp 8010)

bmd ended -36 -38 -37 (2199) H2215 L2172 = 50354 lots. oln apr 630/620 mj 620/612.50 jas 597.50/592.50 ond 590/585 cpo mar 607.50 apr 610/602.50 mj 615/607.50 jas 607.50 ond 600 WTI 44.40 -0.44 by MJ

Friday, March 13, 2015

Market 13 Mar 2015

Mdex Open 13 Mar 2015 11.02
Apr 2234 -5 ($604.6)
May 2237 -6 ($605.7)
Jun 2226 -5 ($602.7)

Idr 13.190/13.200
Myr 3.6930/3.6940

PL = $635 -7.5 (Rp 8375)
PO =$632.5 -7.5 (Rp 8342)
PS =$635 -5 (Rp 8375)
PFAD =$610 -5 (Rp 8045)

Tender astra 8890 dumai wni ($612.7)
Ccno 12.850
Cpko 13.265
Curah 9250

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Market 12 Mar 2015

Mdex Open 12 Mar 2015 09.32
Apr 2270 -8 ($615.6)
May 2268 -8 ($615.1)
Jun 2253 -9 ($611.0)

Idr 13.190/13.200
Myr 3.6870/3.6880

PL = $642.5 +0 (Rp 8475)
PO =$640 +0 (Rp 8440)
PS =$640 +2.5 (Rp 8440)
PFAD =$615 +5.0 (Rp 8110)

Tender astra 8875 dumai npl ($611.2)

Palm Oil Processing - part 1

Crude Palm Oil is produced from palm fruit, called fresh fruit bunches (FFB).

FFB then delivered to palm oil mill from plantation. 

In the mill FFB get separated from its kernel and shield

Then cooked, and pressed.

The end product are Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO), Palm Kernel Espeller (PKE) and Palm Shield (Bungkil Sawit).

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Market 11 Mar 2015

Mdex Open 11 Mar 2015 09.38
Apr 2242 +10 ($603.8)
May 2245 +8 ($604.6)
Jun 2232 +8 ($601.1)

Idr 13.158/ 13.168
Myr 3.7130/3.7150

PL = $637.5 -7.5 (Rp 8388)
PO =$635.0 -7.5 (Rp 8355)
PS =$637.5 -7.5 (Rp 8488)
PFAD =$610 -5.0 (Rp 8026)

Astra dumai = 8750 acc MM fob incld ppn ($605)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Market per 10 Mar 2015

Mdex Open 10 Mar 2015 09.35
Apr 2266 -6 ($614)
May 2266 -5 ($614)
Jun 2251 -4 ($610)

Idr 13.020/13.030
Myr 3.6900/3.6920

PL = $645 -12.5 (Rp 8404)
PO =$642.5-12.5 (Rp 8371)
PS =$645 -12.5 (Rp 8404)
PFAD =$615 -5.0 (Rp 8013)

Astra dumai = 8955 fob incld ppn ($624.7)

Crude Palm Oil - PORAM - spec

Crude Palm Oil also known as pretreated palm oil.

Free fatty acid (%) 5 max
Moisture & Impurities (%) 0.25 max
Iodine Value (Wijs) 50-55
Melting Point ('C) 33-39
Colour Lovibond (1" Cell) 20 R max, 20 Y max

Monday, March 9, 2015

Mkt 09.03.15

Mdex Open 9 Mar 2015 09.41
Apr 2298 +7 ($624)
May 2300 +12 ($624)
Jun 2287 +18 ($621)

Idr 13.031/13.041
Myr 3.686/3.688

PL = $657.5 -12.5
PO =$655.0 -12.5
PS =$657.5 -12.5
PFAD =$620 -5.0

Astra kumai = 8932 fob incld ppn
Astra dumai = 9010 fob incld ppn ($629)

Palm Oil uses

Palm oil have several common use. Most people use palm oil as cooking oil and cooking complement.
Palm oil also used as medicine and or aromatherapy oil 

With a touch of technology, palm oil used in industry, to make soap, bread, biscuit, wafer, cookies, margarine, shortening, frying fats, emulsion is sausage, softener, and any more.

And the latest issue, palm oil also used as fuel for machine. We call it Biodiesel.


Sunday, March 8, 2015



Hi! Welcome to first day launch of

You can call me Mr Han.

I am very interested in anything about palm oil.

Well, since I still learning about this palm oil world, the quality of information in this blog will grow together with the growth of my knowledge.

In writing to this post, I'm not related to any company in local or overseas.

If you have any comment, of suggestion, you can put in the comment area or contact me directly to my email or text me.

See you in the next post!
Thank you for reading.
