Saturday, June 27, 2015

RBDPO - RBD Palm Oil

Palm Oil is the first derivative product come out from the CPO process.
Yield around 94%, the rest is PFAD at 5% yield.

Yield can be vari based on quality of CPO.

Palm oil after production is liquid, but if you put in cool room under 25 celciuss, it will start to form cloud crystal.
The quality is still the same, only form is changed.

Palm oil is widely use as raw material of shortening, margarine, condense krimer, soap, etc.

Pricing of palm oil consider very close to cpo price since they have very close relation (94% of cpo is palm oil).


Hydrogenated Palm Stearin

Simply understanding of hydrogenated palm stearin is rbd palm stearin get mixed with hydrogen, so the melting point is lower than normal, and it makes the shape very very solid and hard as rock.

HPS is used in oleochemical industry to make a lot of products such as food, personal care, etc

HPS delivery should using isotank with heater, otherwise your tank will become rock :)

Locally in Indonesia, not many plant make this product.

Price consider very competitive to import product.


Powder Fat Optima 100

Powder fat from its name mean fats (from vegetables) in powder form.

Main ingredients is rbd palm stearin.
Process with physical processing machine, added some anitoxidant such as lechitine, aging time around 3 days - 5 days.

Powder fats pieces not really small, around 1mm diametre.

Application of this optima 100 (powder fat without lechitine) is for cow and lamb feed combination.
It provides energy to them.

Pricing compared from product made in Malaysia still better.

Quality : Iso, Halal, Kosher, etc

Cheers ^^

Cocoa Butter Substitute ( CBS )

Dewasa ini banyak sekali produk makanan dan confectionary yang menggunakan bahan dasar coklat compound. 

Coklat compound kemudian akan di leleh kan dan diaplikasikan ke produk jadi sebagai coating, filling, maupun sebagai dressing.

Bahan coklat semakin hari semakin terbatas dan berharga tinggi, oleh karena itu, banyak bakers dan chocolatier mulai melirik bahan pengganti coklat.

Apichoc dan Apikote adalah 2 brand dari bahan pengganti coklat.
Penggunaan bahan ini sebagai pengganti coklat akan mengurangi banyak sekali cost namun memberikan hasil makanan yang sama enak dan sama indah nya.

Bahan baku Apichoc dan Apikote adalah minyak kelapa sawit, yang sudah dikenal luas sebagai minyak masak, mengandung banyak vitamin dan rendah kolesterol. Penggunaan nya aman, halal dan sesuai dengan standard RSPO.