Friday, December 25, 2015

Palm Tree harvest time

created by Mr.Han -

Hi Bro!

Somebody asked me, what is the best time for harvesting palm oil, so that he can predict the price.

well, in Indonesia and Malaysia, harvesting for palm tree is everyday..
pardon me please?

yes im not typo..

Please imagine that huge number of oil come out from plantation. We need to deliver the fresh fruit buches everyday.

But yes, we have peak season, that is in March to June in 2015 and i think will remain the same on 2016.

will the price going down at that time of period? because of over supply? i guess so.

But the more important is the news at that period. News drive price better than any factor.

Cheers ^^

Friday, December 11, 2015

If all you need is a Big Swing

When you get challenge from company to build or open new market in the new area, what would you do?

Basicly 3 realistic options are a head.

1. Reject that challenge
2. Accept with non agresive action plan
3. Give them the biggest swing

Lets talk about the 3rd option


1. Doing the market research, and make sure the demand is there by proven data
2. Doing the project planning, completed with how much investment, people, time, and support needed.
3. Present your proposal, and if it approved, then you need to work on it.
4. You need to achieve the nearest and visible goal in 3 months, and improve the achievement every 3 months.
5. Don't look back, look forward and focus. Give everything you have.

Success will be only state of mind

Cheers 🍻

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

4P now become 4C in Marketing ?

This afternoon I have been told that big company never use 4P anymore.

Instead they use:

Product --> Customer
Price --> Cost
Promotion --> Communication
Place --> Convenient

Customer is our new form of product. Anything we have that might be make our customer satisfy are becoming our products. We sell them to our customers.

Talk further about pricing will direct to the price war. Therefore we should go deep to minimize our cost. But not only that, cost and communication have a great relationship with perseption.

How we put the perseption correctly can result better cost and better communication.

In the end, place nowadays have become anywhere and anyhow that can create convenient to customers.

By the way this 4C also applied to how company interact with their employees.
